Fine Orkney-esque Stool

 Scaffolding plank and found 2×1.

Another Sail (Mark III) for Skylark

A neater version, still made of scaffolding wrap, for the homemade boat.

Handy Coffee Table

Decking top and stud wall legs.

Slender Spatula

Made a fragment from a fallen Beech.

Autumn Equinox Birthday Present Necklace

Fresh Conkers and Bungee Cord

Oh Dear!


On the lake the back and front of the boat is watertight with the new repairs, but not the middle! The dagger board case is barely attached and needs a lot of attention…

Plenty of Epoxy


Have attached new supports and a couple of ply patches with thick epoxy resin, finishing with chunky fillets to seal the edges. The warm weather is welcome for fast drying times.

Shaping new parts for Patrick


Making new bits for the back of Patrick out of meranti, which seems similar to the old bits that fell off.